Reader Time: Do typos bother me

let’s get comfy

Answer…No, nope, not at all, no way.

Answer…every page? More than one per page? Yeah, probably would get on my nerves.

Answer…but the spelling is correct, just different from how I spell it in my country.  Oh, okay. I can handle neighbor instead of neighbour.

Answer…Chris, Kris, or Chrys…variety, okay.

Do any of these ruin the read for me? Well, when it’s blatantly obvious…yeah. And these are tossed in the author-needs-an-editor pile. What if the book was listed as being professionally edited? Uhm, who was the professional…experience? And, it happens. There are good editors and sloppy editors…and time to put my editor’s hat away.

Admittance time…it’s harder and harder to put my editor’s hat away when casually reading. I keep seeing how I would have done this or that…just how many thats were left in. But, I’m also calmer when I do find a typo or goof. When working on a manuscript story-blindness comes easily and our brain loves to fill in correctness as our eyes read incorrectness.

It’s time to get back to fun reading, escape reading. Just like a writer needs to turn off their internal editor/critic, when we’re free time reading we need to turn off the same editor/critic. Sit back and just relax.

Oh, and authors, if you’re asking your readers to leave reviews…which a majority of us do and that’s fine and dandy, no argument from me…then you have to expect these typos/goofs will most likely be mentioned. Along with other opinions not necessarily voiced regarding a leisure read.

Which is why…if I buy it; I don’t review it.

Now…go read and have fun!