Indulges – Why I’ve been called a Bitch, Bully, and have been walked away from

I’m a bitch because I stand up for myself. I stand up for my family and friends. I put myself and them first. I no longer sit quietly and allow others to dump their words, emotions, anger, and fight on my shoulders where and when it doesn’t belong.

I stand…figuratively and literally…up, beside, and for my family and friends. I no longer remain silent when my voice is required.

I’m not afraid.

I’m a bully because I speak. Because I will not remain quiet and allow another to vocally walk over me and others. I’m a bully for giving my opinion, my thoughts, my suggestions, but only a bully when I disagree with another’s. I’m a bully for offering and giving correct information, missed information, left out information.

When did disagreeing with another become being a bully?

I’ve been walked away from, left behind, because I cannot live my life the way another thinks I should. Because I now demand the same respect another takes for granted. Because the mirror held for me to look at myself and my actions I’ve turned around so another can look in as well.

Perfect? Oh hell no.

Wanting perfection? Oh hell no.

If knowing, recognizing, acknowledging my flaws and apologizing for my failings while standing up for when I or others are wronged or right or correcting misunderstood, misdirected  information is being a bitch or bully or causes someone to walk away from me, so be it.

To those who do not care to accept me, do not like me, refuse to agree to disagree, who are angry when I say…no; you’re wrong; you’ve left something out…I will gladly wear your description of bitch and/or bully and hold the door open while you walk away.

Leave with my wishes for your happiness, my understanding of where you have shown yourself to be in life, my continued thoughts that life treats you well.