Poet – How to start writing

The first poem I ever wrote started as a clue to some imaginary group I was ‘playing’ with as a child. It was supposed to show us the way to solving some mystery drama. Yes, Nancy Drew played a role in my poem/prose writing.

Then it moved – the writing – to what I was feeling or what my real friends were feeling during our teen years. Strange – to me – they liked what I wrote.

Some people are good at writing letters and notes, not me. I was better when writing prose because I could hint around my feelings in safety.

Which is why starting to write poetry or prose is quite simple – just write.

Write with feelings and not logic. Be straight meaning or hide within your words. Be flowery or plain. Go dark or keep to the light.

Write to form or flow free.

Let your mind go as your pen chases.

Surprise yourself.