Indulges – Reflections: Ignorance, Arrogance, or Rudeness

Is your quick “just a second” a true instant moment or more a convenience to you and inconvenience to others? An you don’t care in the end anyways?

We can all be blind or ignorant of a moment, fact, action, or rule. No one is perfect, we keeping saying. We’re all guilty of some action or fault. But when does this turn from innocent ignorance into full-fledge arrogant ignorance and rudeness?

I did say an/any ignorant action or behaviour can be done in innocence. When we know better we do better. We improve. We apologize and move forward.

It’s those times we – others – behave outside of innocence. When the knowledge that our actions are indeed wrong then the question is – ignorance – arrogance – rudeness? Which one of these are we carrying out?

Would you rather be seen as ignorant? When I think of ignorant people I know I “hear” a looking down on this behaviour. Ignorant feels stupid to me. If you are truly ignorant of something – law, rule, whatever – then you don’t know. If you know and still act like this, then you are choosing to be stupid.

Aggorance? Nothing applies to you. You are better than those around. How dare anyone question you. No, you either don’t believe you are in the wrong or so what if you are.

Rudeness – lack of care. Knowing better but doing what you want regardless. No ego like aggorance. No stupidity like ignorance. Nothing at all. Just what you want.

I work to not be any of these three. I strive to recognize when I weave onto their paths. I’ll admit to being irked when I see others travelling these paths. Okay, more than irked.


Which is worse for you?