Reader: I’m tired of _______ storylines

I’m tired of the stupid male or female character.

For the longest time there was always the dumb blonde, need saving whoa-is-me, arm candy female in stories. Or they were the femme fatale. The strong independent female who had to be the villain.

Worse was the character who mixed all these qualities, she became the best buddy. Especially if she was smarter than the main character…male or female.

Something happened, male characters are taking on all these attributes. The worse though being the dumb husband/father. Sure, maybe we’re seeing this more in television, but it’s still annoying. And, it makes its way to the dumb buddy character.

Yes, these are characters not storylines, but characters will dictate the moving of a story. Therefore, we end up with cliché stereotypes and a story that could very well be better if the main character needed saving. Or, did something stupid.

Like everyone does at some point in real life.

Now to contradict myself, I also want the characters who are considered stereotypes and even non-PC.

The character who calls women, broads. The female who is a total ditz. Someone of either gender who keeps putting their foot in their mouth. And, yes, even the bigot and braggart.

These exist in real life and should in fictional – where they fit.

Know your genre. Know your story voice, style, and time. Knowing their character fit will make for a happy reader.