Indulges – Reflections: When did people start honking like geese?

I swear the first person to honk for my daughter instead of coming to the door, well, I’ll be channeling my dad and embarrassing the honker and my child.

I did tell my husband I was his wife and not some dog answering his honk-I’m-home call.

No one will have any memory in the future simply because we now need our cars to auto-honk to let us know their doors are locked.

Then there’s the beeps for emails – ahh there goes my whistling phone letting me know something has arrived. Turn off the volume? Can’t, my daughter and work texts me so I need to hear their knock. Least the landline still rings.

Back to the people honks.

I’ve heard neighbours honk, unsure why…habit? Some might be saying they’re home – I’m guessing the second honk means get your behind out there, now.

Still the worse is the honk when picking someone up. Call me old-fashioned but that one strikes me as plain impersonal, rude, and uncaring. That the one being honked for isn’t valuable to the honker…worth their energy.

What makes it stranger is how little the car horn is used for what I was told to use it for. To warn another driver or pedestrian. Today people just flip their finger and scream at each other.

Don’t know about you, but have you ever heard someone in another car on the road? Only when stopped at a light and they’re singing louder than a goose. And flipping the bird – well that’s a warning coming in too late.

One last thought – maybe it’s not the one honking who has too little thought, but the one who answers the honk who thinks so little of themselves?