Writer: Interruptions

Yesterday I revisited this topic on the ChrisChat Talks Creativityblog, so why talk more today? Because I’m actually typing this at 8:56pm Sunday evening (finalizing at 11:26pm). I’ve had this topic listed for over a month and here I am writing it hours before I’ve scheduled it to post.

I’ve had the revisited/tweaking posts listed for ChrisChat Talks Creativity for the last month, and still not uploaded and scheduled. I have April’s topics semi-lined up, but haven’t written them. Probably going to be writing them the day of, if not the night before…which would be a tad better.


I wish I knew. Or at least able to pinpoint the answer a bit more precisely. It’s too easy to say there’s just not enough hours in the day. Maybe I’m overloading myself? Nope, don’t think so…I’ve been ahead before, so why not continue.

If you could see me right now, I’m sitting with the laptop on the small portable table, light attached to it (check this out from IKEA, love it) and watching “The Walking Dead” while talking on Facebook. Talk about just a tad distracted here.

And that’s the problem with creativity and interruptions, they take us out of the moment. Steal the idea just brimming our consciousness. Some creative outlets are time consuming and when our time is already pinched minutes these interruptions can turn us against what we love doing. Or cause us to create something we’ll never be happy about, or try again. That’s sad. The whole point of creating is to relax, improve, enjoy, renew ourselves, and even to learn.

How to avoid interruptions?

Don’t think you can, they’re part of life and living with people. But, you can change how you react to them. Know they will happen. Plan for them. Breathe and keep in mind this is your time. There are no rules or limitations.

Be kind to yourself.