Writer: Derrick – let’s get his story written

This is a character who has been haunting me for years. I will admit his story is flawed and rushed. The writing not even close to how I write now. But, I can’t shake him. He and a couple of his scenes refuse to leave.

I remember two critiques and still disagree, well, one was easy as it didn’t even offer anything. The person told me it was bad and would toss it on the shelf after reading one sentence. Why? No idea, nothing constructive was offered.

And still Derrick haunts my files. His story is a mystery. He’s locked away for believing his best friend is dead. That in fact, Derrick killed his best friend.

Maybe it’s partially paranormal or science fiction? That never occurred to me. Maybe medical cloning?

There’s part of my non-planning problem – I have no clear idea what the story is. Another part – I rushed my original ending to the point I can’t remember how it ended.

Here I am now, tossing Derrick out into the world.

Let’s see what happens, shall we?