It’s not as if I could ever truly say good-bye to Theadora Mitchell, she’s way too much fun. Yeah, she’s…
My pseudonym for writing romance, blogs for that genre, because I believed I had to keep that hat separate from…
I’m grasping at straws trying to find something to write about while finding all my previous topics are getting boring.…
On January 1st I wrote the blog about Another fresh start and mentioned more was running through my head and…
I’m going to keep this draft and come back to it, writing a bit too much back to back and…
I’m on a roll, this posting is going to be scheduled two days ahead of due date and that’s a…
This posting for Indulges & Reflections is a direct link to Thea’s Past Passions. “The Lost Boys” a movie I’ve…
Not sure if that’s a proper title, but I’m watching “Lost Boys” when this randomness creeped in…sometimes the past known…
Before I start, don’t ask me how long it took to find the correct spelling of fiftieth, talk about a…