Indulges – Yikes, my dad would have said that

Which doesn’t necessarily say that’s a bad thing. What it does indicate is I’m more my father than I realized.

I am my father’s daughter. I’ve always been a daddy’s girl. Mom was/is “MOM.” I rarely ever believed I could get away with anything with Mom, but dad, yeah I tried. Okay, I’m only admitting this now and yes, dear dad is “up there” laughing with his “told ya so, I was right” look.

Thing is, I’m also my grandfather’s granddaughter…my maternal grandfather (Pa). Yes, and he’s “up there” laughing now, too.

So what does this mean? Is it a bad thing? A good thing? It means when something pushes my buttons, I tend to channel my dad and/or Pa. This can either lead to standing up for myself or someone else or basically switching personality gears to someone those who know me, aren’t used to me being.

Or as mom would say…you’re yelling at the television just like your father. Yes, but the politician’s an idiot. But, yes, the whatever is being stupid.

I’m not always right like dad and Pa were…hey, remember, I’m a daddy’s girl and a Pa’s girl, they were never wrong…uhm, well, yeah, okay, there was that time, and the other time, oh and, yeah, hmm, what was I talking about?

Right, there are days I’m more my father (and grandfather) than I am me. And, that’s okay…it’s better than okay.

Oh, the “protective-mama-lion-b*tch-from-hades” part…that’s all me/mom/grandmother. Oh you so do not want to bring that personality to light. Oh no, no-no-no, not even dad and Pa stood in the way of that personality.

2 thoughts on “Indulges – Yikes, my dad would have said that”

  1. Isn't it funny? How we hear our parents, aunts, grandparents — in our words? And as they get older and out on their own — we hear ourselves in our children. My daugther knocks me down sometimes. I could swear that was me talking.

  2. I've spent all day looking up knowing a departed friend is smiling and laughing at me today.

    It's when I hear their "I told you so" that I start having arguments with them. Which is when my family if very happy I close the cave door. LOL

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