What the writer in your family needs

2…to be ignored when talking to self
3…to be listened to when not talking to self
4…for you to know the difference between 2 and 3
6…quiet, silence, no noise, silence – except when talking to self
7…food and drink – booze or not, healthy or not, preferably left at the door or on the table not being used…not that table the other table but not on the papers, never on the papers.
8…sleep, well that’s a maybe
10…no questions, opinions, thoughts, or suggestions
11…being asked about their work, positive opinions on their work, helpful thoughts on their work, suggestions that are repeated suggestions from your writer only
12…you got it…for you to know the difference between 10 and 11
13…also, to know what questions to ask about the work, what are positive and helpful and what suggestions you should have never voiced.
14…have I mentioned sanity
15…for you not to ask how much money they make/made
16…for you not to ask how much longer they’re going to be playing on the computer
17…dust bunnies and piles of laundry as these are vital writing tools and images for the creative mind
19…forget the sanity
20…their understanding family and friends

3 thoughts on “What the writer in your family needs”

  1. I LOVE this! LOL!!!! I can relate… and if I could just get my kids to agree to most of it!!! 🙂

  2. Aloha Chris! I love this list. And I love your blog from today. Me too!! I love the sanity on there several times. Then the… do we really need sanity. I think not! LOL. Love it. Thanks. Aloha Meg Amor

  3. Hi Sheri…Meg. Thanks for dropping by…sorry I didn't see you much earlier Sheri. Yup, we can forget my get-up-and-go, my sanity left way before 🙂

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