Reviewer Time – Why I review

The answer is quite simple…I love books, love reading, and hope I’m helping authors in some way.

I don’t believe in ripping any author apart, although I have written a couple of less than happy reviews. Those are the hardest to write, but I don’t believe in just writing shining bright reviews. How can there be balance and trust if all I offered was…great, fantastic, best ever?

I realize that statement could land me in trouble with other reviewers, but the one thing everyone must remember…reviews are one person’s opinion. If I don’t know the reviewer, I need something to balance all the positives or I end up wondering if the reviewer likes everything. Again, every review and every reviewer is only offering their personal opinion.

And opinions are a dime a dozen. Readers will judge for themselves. Think about what makes you buy a book…how much weight do you give a review? The essence of reviews…in my opinion…is the ability to reach more people. 

Yes, at some point we’ll decide on something based on what we hear about it…book, movie, or television show, car, anything. But from who…whom? It’ll be someone we’ve repeatedly read or watched and have developed a feel for.

Think Dick Clark. What comes to your mind will depend on the age you were when you first connected with the man. Walter Cronkite is another well-known…and trusted…person who drew people’s trust.

Now, I’m in no way shape or form or even on any level with these two men. Heavens no. They’re the first names to come to mind about how we feel/develop a connection with someone we have never met, but trust.

As a reviewer, I take on the author’s trust when I accept their book…eBook or paper. They are giving me a free copy of their work knowing that my review may not be ravingly positive, but hopefully not rippingly negative.

They are trusting me that at some point a review will be written…one day I’ll post about good intentions and timing and life interrupting. They’re trusting I’m not just going to pass their book around to others.

Here’s where I’ll state right from the start…any and all eBooks and/or paper books never leave my possession. I do not share nor do I ever give away to any secondhand seller or trader. Every book I have reviewed and have to review remain with me and are given to me with the understanding I will offer up my honest opinion.

Then there’s the trust between me and those who read me. I prefer to talk about the story. Have a conversation about what I’ve read. I’m not looking to dissect the piece. Find hidden meanings or poor grammar or rewrite it to how I would have written it.

I just want to talk about books and new worlds. I want to share my hobby…reading. Becoming a reviewer fell into my lap when someone years ago…dang near twenty years…posed a question in a writers’ group “anyone interested in reading this and giving a review?” Heck if I knew what I was doing, but look where it’s taken me.

Well, that’s enough for this Friday. The plan is to be here every Friday with something new…or revamped…so you can see into the mind of a reviewer (at least my mind). If at any time you have a question you’d like to ask…hey, I’m here or at [email protected] 

Have a fun weekend, and get reading!