Poet: Prose Starts, when you add something

The night air howled with the cold heartless laugh of the fierce strange creature. Nothing moved as the thing crept closer to the still free water.  Over near the rocky cliff the bushes came alive with the shrill scream of death.  The water rippled as the thing slithered by.  All was quiet now.  The creature had left.  The dead lump of flesh just laid there silently the secret of the creature was now safe for only tow knew it and one was dead

The shore by the crystal water was now bare.  Nothing moved as the gentle wind blew.  The sky was slowly changing to a dark purple as the fire coloured sun sank silently behind the horizon.  Up on the rocky cliff a figure stood proudly.  The figure was not one of a man but of a magnificent noble black stallion.  Not a common breeding horse but a beautiful, admirable creature who held all of nature’s secrets in its wild untameable heart.

 What is Poetry Starts?

…poems and prose from now back to teen years
…remembering a first writing love
…pumping the creative well yet again
…silencing the internal critic