Editor: The Synopsis

I don’t meant the book blurb, back cover blurb. The synopsis is a detailed breakdown of your story, your series world, any and all details including surprises.

Most times these are needed for your submissions to publishers; however, they are useful to your editors. They allow us to see how well you’ve hit your story mark. Did you capture what you planned? Give too much or too little? Should your one novel be changed to two novels?

Your synopsis also sets your editor down a pre-determined path to an expected conclusion. However, while reading and editing, your editor can see the true path of your story. Yes, sometimes the story you wrote isn’t the story you think.

The best part of this journey is being opened to the story as it dictates itself, the story your characters demand.

Between your initial synopsis and the written final story, the back cover blurb is born. The blurb that hints and teases your readers. Introduces your tale with breadcrumbs. The bait to lure your readers in.

Okay, enough weak puns. The point is to not skimp on your initial synopsis. It is the blueprint that will become your treasure map.

Sorry, couldn’t stop myself.

2 thoughts on “Editor: The Synopsis”

  1. Based on your description, I have done a terrible job of writing all of my synopsis (oh what the bloody hell is the plural of this word?). All of those summary things – I don't think I knew what was expected.

  2. Hi, Alladania.

    No worries…I don't think any of us really know what to write. When I looked at this subject from 3 different views, then as someone who reads submissions for a publisher, every one needs something different. We'd end up writing a book about the book 🙂

    Thanks for coming by

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