Editor: Why we all need them

Because no one is perfect. No, not even an editor.

There are as multiple ways in which to write a sentence as there are style/rule books on telling you how they should be written. That one sentence is enough to drive at least one person crazy. Why? For one, someone will not like its structure. Secondly, someone will argue there is only one style/rule book to follow…the one they use.

Please, do not give me the argument of which one, why that one, because…whatever. I’ve heard the arguments and have witnessed the battles and frankly I’ve seen these “bibles” change their minds. The rules are not carved in stone.

Spelling? Yeah, that’s pretty much carved in stone…depending on where you live. It’s, favourite NOT favorite. Yes, I’m diehard on the British (Canadian) ‘our’ usage. Unless, of course, the author I’m working with uses, favorite, then that’s what we use.


Cause it’s the author’s book and voice.

However, a plain will never be a plane. And, well, tripping over a spilled bottle of baby will always confuse me. How did they get the baby in the bottle? How big was the bottle that you couldn’t see it to stop tripping over it?

What does all this have to do with why we need an editor? Because we need that one person who will not kiss our behinds and flatter us. Will not agree with everything we’ve written or explained because they dared to ask a question.

We need that one person who will make us question and think about what we’ve written as seen through their eyes. Who will notice that we’ve turned a plain into a plane and have tripped over a spilled bottle of baby while doing so.

We all need that editor who will see our story and hear our voice without changing it to how they want to see/hear it. But, will give us ideas on its weaknesses and strengthens. How we could make the changes based on their experiences…which includes both traditional schooling and life learning.

An editor is not just the techie of the industry. They are someone who understands the reader, the genre, the storytelling involved in the writing. That while there are rules and yes these are important, vital, they can be broken and should be broken depending on what works for each individual story and author.

Never forget…author or editor…you are a team.