Writer: Why Nanowrimo worked for my alter-ego and not for me

I’ve attempted Nano for the last five years and have yet to reach the goal. This year my alter-ego came close as she actually finished her short story goals.

So, why couldn’t I? Why was it difficult to reach my own goals? The answer appears easy…I couldn’t take the pressure of Nano. For me, the longer story format doesn’t fit into Nano’s daily writing demands. What I came to think of as the word count from Hades.

 I’m also not a planner and mix this with Nano’s total demands and I’m sitting in front of a locked screen with my internal critic screaming at me.

With short stories there was the immediate movement forward, no I’m not saying short stories are easier. For me, well my alter-ego, the short stories offered a sense of accomplishment.

Yes, writing is a habit to be nourished and developed, something I’ll talk about more later.

What I’ve taken away from this year’s Nano is:

1…planning doesn’t lock you into cement, it’s a guide only

2…I like short stories.

3…it’s not the word count, but the words that count.

4…the story is in me, I just have to write it.


Of course. It’s helpful to reminded every so often, though.