Indulges – Reflections: Do you know your city?

How well do you know your city? I don’t mean your neighbourhood that’s expanded into its own mini-city within the city. I am meaning your entire city. The city you used to know as a teen, child, as the city your parents and grandparents would take you across town for the best ice cream ever. Or down to the local market. Or the waterfront to skip stones. What about the best fish and chips. The local movie theatre and not the big box multi-plex machine.

Yes, this is one of those flashback pieces. And, no it isn’t.

Cities grow. They expand and change. Areas die and need new blood while some grow richer with their established roots. We’re at ease with what is familiar and time requires more convenience. People need to grow and dream and build.

But…you knew there was a but…what are we losing?

There is a park, a large park, within my own city that I don’t remember ever having explored. I have a vague childhood memory of an ice rink and me finally attempting to follow a cousin before falling on my behind. I think we took my daughter there…once, twice?

There’s a corner fish and chip place that my parents and grandparents swore was the best in town. We don’t go there because parking’s a pain and well, the neighbourhood has…gone…changed. Or is it that we don’t know it anymore?

There’s a quaint little village-like part of the city…somewhere…down there…middle…no, more to the west.

I remember one area that used to be a favourite. Now it doesn’t feel ours anymore. It belongs to others…and another time.

I believe Bus ___ will still get me downtown, but I don’t know what’s downtown anymore. What’s there that I can’t get up here?

What’s anywhere in my city that I can’t find in my neighbourhood or general area?

A heartbeat. A soul. History. The totality of what I call my city.