Writer: Getting in the habit

If I was in the habit this would have been posted yesterday.

If I was in the habit then more fictional stories with my name would be out…there.

If I was in the habit this would be a June posting being written.

The habit – no matter what anyone tells you – sucks.

I’m not saying it’s impossible. I am saying it’s a pain in the arse possibility.

Shall I list the ‘if onlys’ that float around our brains at this point? The ‘our’ being those who are in the same boat as me.


Why bother when we, those of us in the boat, already know them…the ‘if onlys’.

Help in getting in the habit?

  • Shut the door
  • Sit down
  • Pick writing medium
  • Write

I know, I’m a smartarse. Blame my dad I get it from being his daughter.