Creativity – Dream Journal



Is exactly what you think it is – a place to record your dreams. Most would think writing, but why couldn’t it be drawing or picture gathering?
We dream in order to release our minds. It’s a matter of stress breaking and, no, we don’t always remember these. Sometimes it’s better not to – nightmares.
Why then record them?
Some people would suggest analyzing them for meanings. What is the mind or universe trying to tell us?
For the writer – what story is waiting for me to tell?
I’ve known a bookkeeper to figure out an addition error during her dreams.
Keeping a dream journal may even act as your personal meditation. A method to fill up your inner strength to face the day. The moment to quietly gather yourself and connect your “dots” before charging through the day.
Hey! What about a nighttime journal? A going to dream journal. Could we really direct our dreams for the night?
Some say we can. Think I’ll give it a try.