Poet/Artist: Drawing medium

Generally plain lead pencils. Different lead pencils. Charcoal type pencils. Different shades of black.

I’m intimated by the colour pencils – sketching type not the pencil crayons. Does feel right – too real. Sketching has to be done in black. More shades are available and because I find it easier to erase if I goof up. And boy, do I make mistakes. Yeah, I know I’m all wrong on this, I know.

Fine point pen scare me. So permanent. No room for error. Just dawned on me, after hearing about inktober, I can do first in light pencil and then fine point pen.

What’s Inktober? Apparently, you draw a picture and post it once a day for all of October. They offer up prompts, too. Look for #inktober on Instagram.

My drawing medium is as important to me as my writing pens. They need to feel at home in my hand. Need to feel comfortable across the page. There’s something – magical? – oneness? – when everything fits together. The pages are blank and the mind is racing to escape to fill the emptiness, but only the right medium unlocks and brings the creation to life.

Too – sappy? Too “out there”?

Hey, it’s my craft and I get excited when it all comes together.